Who We Are

Timothy Vaikai

Meet Mr Timothy Vakai, owner of the Fresh Fish Company in the Cook Islands.

What started as a small family business has now expanded and continues to grow, being one of the country’s top suppliers of ocean fish.

Mr Vaikai, was in school when his father would go out fishing and get him to process and sell off the fish to family and friends. Soon, other relatives, also fishermen, would get Mr Vakai to sell their fish on their behalf. Over time, Tim saw an opportunity in the market to supply the tourism sector with locally caught produce.

The Fresh Fish Company

The company is now known within the Cook Islands as being a sustainable means of buying fish.

The Fresh Fish Company now works with three of the 15 islands that makes up this island nation. The company is one of the leading companies on the island who supply locally caught fish, and the only company that deals directly with local fishermen, as opposed to longlines or commercial purse seiners.

Fresh Fish Company prides itself as being a sustainable means of supplying delicious fresh fish in an ever-changing world of climate change and scarce resources.